User Manual

Confidential, Proprietary Information
Title: PCS FlexBeamer
RF Repeater
System A &O Manual
Doc. No.:
Rev.: 00
Page: 33 of
3.1.2. Local or Remote PC Connection
Connect the PC either by Local connection or Remote via Wireless Modem (IF option exist),
following the steps as noted herein: Operation system in Local PC Mode
In order to operate the BSM S/W , the PC should be equipped with windows 95/98 or Windows
2000 with service pack 1. Serial Communication Connector
Local communication with RAC is obtained through the RS-485 connector located on the RAC
panel. This is a 7-pin female Amphenol sealed connector.
Table 1: RS485 communication connector
Pin # RS485
1 Rx+
2 Tx+
3 NC
4 NC
5 Tx-
6 Rx-
7 GND Communication Mode
The communication mode at the RAC controller board is enabled for RS-232 via wireless modem
or RS-485 via a local PC.
The connection from PC is via a RS-232/RS-485 adapter like ADAM-4520 by Advantech.
3.1.3. System Configuration and Logical Setting
Some of the RAC setup items are already configured for the needed system configuration. This setup is
saved on the RAC's Flash memory. Use the BSM(Beamer System Manager) in order to confirm and
change the configuration when required.
The following sections will guide you through the process of RAC setup verification. You can modify
the setup to match your configuration at any time.