User Manual

Confidential, Proprietary Information
Title: BEAMER Array System-
Assembly and Operation Manual
Doc. No.: 913002500 Rev.: 00
Page: 72 of 80
5.6. Procedure for Loading Program to the BEAMER
To load a new file (application, DSP prog. file and DSP data file) to the BEAMER
controller follow
the following instructions:
1. Connect the PC that includes the Celletra PROGRAM LOADER program to the RAC via the
serial port.
2. If you wish to keep the log file then save it, otherwise the log file will be erased during the new
file loading.
3. Operate Celletra program loader program and wait until the address of the RAC appears at the
RAC address bar. If the system includes few RACs (ICUs), select the address of the required
RAC from the address bar.
4. From the Setting menu select Comport and select the required communication path to the RAC.
5. If the PC is connected via the serial port of the PC then check the RS-232 and define the COMM
port in t he PC that is used.
6. If the PC is connected via a telephone line by a modem then check the MODEM and dial the
telephone number of the destination modem.
7. From the Setting menu click on Destination and select BEAMER
as the destination for
8. Click on the Password menu then on Enter to enter the password that enables loading of a new
program. After you enter the correct password and your name the Start download command key
will be enabled.
9. Click the Start Download command key to start the loading process. Clicking the start download
button will display a window to enter the required BEAMER
ID number.
10. Enter the ID number of the required BEAMER
and click O.K to continue. In case that the
particular RAC ID number does not exist in the system the following warning message will be
Otherwise the following window will be displayed: