User Manual

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Proprietary Information
Title: BEAMER Array System-
Assembly and Operation Manual
Doc. No.: 913000100 Rev.: 00
Page: 49 of 92
Failure Description Recommended Value
BEAMER supply voltage 01 minor
Tx current 02 major
Main Rx current 01 minor
Div Rx current 01 minor
Return power 01 minor
Power amplifier 02 major
Linearizer 02 major
Bias T voltage 02-major
ICU voltage 02-major
Rx bias T current 01- minor
Tx bias T current 02-major
ICU CTRLR 01-minor
Fan current 00-no condition Changing the Real Time Clock
The real time clock correct timing is important for log files time stamp. To change the RTC timing
use 'Save real time clock' command (code 38). The following example sets the time to 10:00:00AM, at
Code 38 (save real time clock), ICU address, 1FH, 03, 0BH, 0AH, 00, 00
Note: Years are counted since 1990, thus 2001 is represented as 0BH (=11).
2.8.5. Calibrating the Transmit Channel Gain
Before calibrating the transmit channel gain and connecting the BTS transmitter to the BEAMER -Tx
array input, verify that the Tx-ABT is set to minimum gain (maximum attenuation). Instructions for
Tx-ABT gain setting can be found in section 2.8.3. This is essential for protecting the BEAMER from
possible overdrive due to high input power from the BTS.
The following diagram can be used as a guideline to determine the gain distribution over the transmit
link. The numbers within the shaded circles represent typical BEAMER system expected
performance. However, some gain variations might occur. These variations might be due to gain
variations with BTS output power, the active Bias-T gain, RF cable loss and BEAMER -Tx gain. It is
therefore important that the gain calibration procedure will be performed whenever one of the system
components is changed: the BEAMER array, the RF cable, the active Bias-T or the BTS up-converter