User's Manual

Set the recording type (Bitrate, Sample Rate,
REC Volume, REC Sense) using +(Up)/
the button. Take the same setting
method with voice recording.
Bitrate REC Sense
REC Volume
Sample Rate
Bitrate REC Sense REC Volume
Sample Rate
REC Sense
Set the voice recording detection time and level
the REW(◀◀)/FF(▶▶) button and +(Up)/-(Down).
Sense Time: Recording stops if the signal is received
under the sense level for the specified period of time.
Sense Level: Recording starts when the signal is
over the specified level.
REC Volume
Set the recording volume(0~40), using the
REW(◀◀)/FF(▶▶) button.
Set the recording type (Bitrate, Sample Rate, REC
Sense) using +(Up)/-(Down)
the button. Take the
same setting method with voice recording.
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