User's Manual

Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
about the Alarm Detector, click here.
Repeat the following instructions for
each Alarm Detector you have. It is a
good idea before you start to think
about which of your smok e and/or
carbon monoxide alarms you are going
to connect to your AlertMe system. (You
can buy more Alarm Detectors if you
need more.)
Positioning the Alarm Detector
in your home
All Alarm Detectors which you have not
yet set up should currently be near to
your Hub, and their lights should be off.
On the walkthrough page on AlertMe's
secure website you should now be able
to see all the Accessories you have not
yet set up, including the Alarm
Detector you are about to install. If you
click an Alarm Detector icon on
the website, you should see the
light on one of the Alarm Detectors
near your Hub start to flash on and
off r egularly. This is the one to
install now.
Take this Alarm Detector to wher e
ever you wish to put it. As you m ove
around your home, the light on
your Alarm Detector may continue
to flash every second, or the light
m ay start to blink twice every few
seconds. When the light is blink ing,
that means that you are not in a good
location to install your Alarm Detector,
as the radio signal is not good enough.
Don't panic! There are two reasons the
light might do this. One is that you are
in a slightly bad spot for the wireless
network ; you may find that moving the
sensor just a few inches one way or
another is all it takes to get to a better
place. If moving it around does not
work , try another location. If you
Installing the Alarm Detector - Alertme
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