User Manual

your Hub. Putting the Lamp in
another r oom , or on another floor,
of your home, is ideal. The Lamp
needs to be plugged into a mains
power socket.
You should also try to follow our general
Accessory positioning guidelines.
If you are having problems positioning
it, try reading our help on positioning.
I can't see a flashing
light on it
When the Lamp flashes its light, the
whole top of the Lamp should flash blue!
It may be hard to see this in a brightly
lit room.
When you first plug it in, you should
expect to see the Lamp light blink twice
every few seconds; the light will go out
once the Lamp is communicating with
the Hub. The light will come on again
when this Lamp is selected for
placement on the website; then, it will
flash regularly once a second (if it is in
a good position for the Accessory to be
installed), or it will blink twice every
few seconds (if it is not in a good
position). If you aren't placing this
Lamp, it most likely will not be flashing
its light. It m ay also stop flashing, or
go dim , if it is unplugged; it should
start again without problem s if you
plug it back in. (AlertMe Lamps
contain backup batteries to k eep them
running, but these may not be fully
charged when you start off installing
your Kit.)
What does the flashing
light mean whilst I'm
Getting started with the Lamp - Alertme
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