User's Guide

How do I check the battery level of my In
Home Thermostat and Keyfobs?
Go to the ‘Devices’ menu on your Online
Dashboard. Here you will see the current
battery level of all your devices.
How does my In Home Thermostat
connect to my Hub?
AlertMe connects all of your devices
wirelessly. No additional wiring is required.
How far can my In Home Thermostat be
from my Hub without losing wireless
As with
any wireless system this depends on
a number of factors but the system has been
designed to work in domestic houses and
has sucient range to operate through up to
2 internal walls.
My Hub is showing as O ine. What does
this mean?
This means that your Hub is no longer
connected to the Internet. Check all of the
connections to the Hub and your
broadband router and that both are
plugged into a live mains su
pply. If this
does not fix the problem try turning you
broadband router o and on again.
I can’t set my away temperature to the
same range as I can my day and night
temperatures, why is this?
The away temperature cannot be set lower
than either the day or night temperatures
(cool mode) or higher than either the day
or night temperatures (heat mode). This
ensures the system never costs more to
run using Auto
Can I use AlertMe Climate Control
without using Auto mode, ie as a
conventional thermostat?
Yes. Your Onl i ne Ther mos ta t does
everything a conventional thermostat does,
with Hold and Schedule modes accessible
through your Online Dashboard.
What is Hold Mode?
Hold mode allows you to set a single
temperature and run your system at that
temperature forever. Note: using Hold
mode can use more energy unless
remember to manually change the
thermostat when, for example, you go out
or go to bed. If you do forget you can also
use the iPhone app or website to make an
adjustment away from home.
What is Schedule Mode?
Schedule mode is similar to Auto but
changes temperature at axed time every
day irrespective of whether you are at
home or out of the house. Using the
Keyfobs and Auto mode to determine when
are actually in your house should save
you more energy.
What is Auto Mode?
In Auto mode you can set an overnight and
day temperature. These will be set
whenever you are in the home. If you leave
the house the system detects this and
automatically changes your thermostat to
your away temperature.