User Manual

Phone calls
Text messages
Wireless network
and Hub
For each Accessory, you will turn it on,
and then position it right next to the
Hub so that the wireless network is set
up correctly. You will do this with all
your Accessories at once, and then move
on to the next stage of installation.
There's more information on how to
turn on each type of Accessory below.
Most Accessories (although not the
Lamp!) are turned on by putting in
their battery (see below). When you
first turn on any Accessory, it will
light up (every Accessory has a
light on it somewher e!). The light
will be off most of the tim e but will
"blink " twice every 4 seconds or so.
Once you bring the Accessory near
the Hub, or after a few m oments,
the light will turn off. This means
that the Accessory has successfully
found the Hub and is
com m unicating with it.
If you turn on an Accessory close to the
Hub, it may not light up for very long
at all before finding the Hub and
stopping blinking.
Once you have turned on your
Accessor ies, group them together
around the Hub, lik e ducklings
around the m other duck. When you
have finished, you should have a set of
Accessories with their lights turned off.
If any still have their lights turned on,
move them closer to the Hub and wait a
few minutes; if that doesn't help, click
You can check that all the Accessories
successfully found the Hub by checking
that the website is displaying the
correct number of each type of
Accessory. The Accessory page you are
currently look ing at on the website has
Starting up the Accessories - Alertme
2 of 5 10/10/08 11:33