User Manual

A CT-DECT device (PP) which has been deleted from the CT-DECT Case (8) memory cannot commu-
nicate anymore with the DECT system and needs to be re-subscribed to the base unit following the
subscription instructions.
Fig. 5 Principle of subscription (example)
If a subscription is not successfully completed within maximum 2 minutes since starting the process, a
»timeout« occurs. The timeout is signalized by a sequence of 4 short low tones in the headset of the
CT-DECT device (PP), repeating in 4-second intervals.
After a timeout all
CT-DECT devices (PP) subscribed to a transceiver module need to be subscribed
anew to the CT-DECT Case (8). In the event of only one CT-DECT unit (PP) the subscription of this
single CT-DECT unit (PP) has to be repeated. Example of subscribing a CT-DECT device (PP) with subscription button 2 (figure
The following describes the procedure for subscribing a CT-DECT device (PP) to a CT-DECT Case (8)
with the subscription button »2« (figure 4/c). The subscription of the remaining three CT-DECT devices
(PP) (maximum four units) with button »2« is done likewise.
After successful subscription, all CT-DECT devices (PP) and the CT-DECT Case (8) must be
switched off again before putting the DECT system into operation.
a. Make sure all
CT-DECT devices are switched off.
b. Unscrew the two screws (figure 2/e, g) on the CT-DECT Case (8) and remove the two shackles (fig-
ure 2/c, i) from the case. Unlock the two latches (figure 2/a) and open the case.
c. Leave the CT-DECT unit (PP) still switched off.
d. Press the subscription button »2« (figura 4/c) inside the CT-DECT Case (8) and keep it depressed.
Switch on the CT-DECT Case (8) with the green push-button (figure 4/d) while the subscription but-
ton is depressed and keep it depressed for at least another 5 seconds after switch-on. Then release
the subscription button and continue directly with step »e« in order to avoid a »timeout«.
e. Press the subscription button on the CT-DECT device (PP) and keep it depressed. Switch the CT-
DECT device (PP) on while depressing the subscription button and keep it depressed for at least
another 5 seconds since switch-on until you hear a descending 5-tone sequence in your headset.
Then release the button.
The subscription process has been initiated and you hear in the headset of the CT-DECT unit (PP)
about every 2 seconds an intermittent high beep. An ascending 5-tone sequence, which repeats in