How-To Guide Chapter 5

FibeAir 1500 Installation & Operation Manual Chapter 5. Operation
Revision 2.0 Windows and Menus 5-9
The Object ID field is read-only. It displays the vendors authoritative
identification of the network management system contained in the entity.
4. (Optional) In the Name field, enter an administrative-assigned name for
this managed node (link). By convention, this is the nodes fully-qualified
domain name.
5. (Optional) In the Contact field, enter the name of a person to contact in
case of problems with the system, together with information on how to
contact this person.
6. (Optional) In the Location field, enter the actual physical location of the
node or agent (e.g., telephone closet, 3
The System Up Time field (read-only) displays the time elapsed since
the system was powered.
The ODU Serial Number field (read-only) displays the serial number of
the ODU.
The IDU Serial Number field (read-only) displays the serial number of
the IDU.
7. Click Apply.
The definitions and settings determined in the General Information
window are saved.
8. Click Cancel.
The General Information window is closed.
The Login option is used to change authorizations. This option may also be
used to lock the application without exiting. After selecting this option, you
are prompted for your password in a pop-up window. Enter your password
and click OK.
This option allows you to exit the FibeAir 1500 management software. This
is the same as clicking on the Close Window icon in the title bar. When this
option is selected, an "Are You Sure?" prompt is displayed. Click OK to exit
the software; click Cancel to return.