Installation Instructions Chapter 4

FibeAir 1500 Installation & Operation Manual Chapter 4. System Setup
4-22 SONET/SDH Configuration (Optional) Revision 2.0
Radio BER Alarm Thresholds (Optional):
2. In the Radio Excessive Error Thres field, select the level above which an
Excessive BER alarm is issued.
3. In the Radio Signal Degrade Thres field, select the level above which a
Signal Degrade alarm is issued.
Line Parameters (Optional):
4. In the Line Excessive Error Thres field, select the level above which an
Excessive alarm is issued.
5. In the Line Signal Degrade Thres field, select the level above which a
Signal Degrade alarm is issued.
Regenerator Section Overhead (RSOH) Function Parameters
This section of the window allows you to determine the RSOH parameters
which will be used.
6. Set each RSOH parameter that will be used as
and leave the
others set as
By default, these parameters are set to
EOW Engineering Order Wire.
End to end voice channel option E1 byte at the SDH RSOH
User channel The 64 kbps user channel F1 byte at the SDH RSOH
E1 wayside enable/disable the wayside channel.
JO operation JO byte is used as a trace identifier at the SDH RSOH.
If JO is activated, use the Tx JO and Exp JO to define IDU identifier
string and AIS mode of operation.
DCCR activate/passthrough the RSOH communication channel
normally used for inband TMN.
B1 operation activate/passthrough B1 byte at the RSOH. B1 is used
to perform parity byte checks for monitoring SDH quality and service.
7. Click Apply.
The definitions and settings determined in the SONET/SDH
Configuration window are saved.
8. Click Cancel.
The SONET/SDH Configuration window is closed and you are returned
to the Work Area window.