Installation Manual

Error Code: Description: Level: Cause: Check:
F84 Light grid error Light grid continuously triggered, or
test cannot be executed.
Object in door area
Cable defect
Light grid incorrectly aligned
Light grid not ready for operation
F90 Error in Uart initialization:
Line used
Error in cabling
F91 Error in position encoder
message: position outside
of valid range
Wrong encoder set
Error in communication cable
F92 Time out error when
receiving position econder
message. Message
Wrong encoder set
Error in communication cable
F93 Time-out error when
receiving position encoder
message. No signals
Wrong encoder set
Error in communication cable
Cable defect/not connected
F94 Time out error when
receiving inverter message
Cable defect
Inverter not ready for operation
F95 Error when receiving
inverter message: Invalid
Error in communication cable
F96 Safety chain was
interrupted from outside
Bridge pulled on ‘safety chain’
Encoder cable pulled
Bridges pulled on encoder
Motor thermal, slack rope switch
Inverter cable pulled
F98 Dalmatic encoder reports
voltage loss. End positions
possibly no longer correct.
Dalmatic encoder was without voltage
for indeterminate time, which should
normally be prevented by the battery.
The current encoder position is likely
to be incorrect.
Change battery, then reset limits.
F99 Dalmatic encoder reports
low battery voltage.
Dalmatic encoder reports low battery
Replace battery