Instruction Manual

SL595 Variable Speed
Motor Learn Instruction
This instruction is intended for use with the SL595 Variable Speed operators as a supplemental instruction to the standard
SL595 manual, 01-34850. All other installation, programming, and configuration information should refer to the 01-34850
Before starting, the operator should be correctly installed
and connected to the gate. The gate operator should
not be run until after the motor is learned. The limit nut
should be adjusted so that the gate can travel several
feet in either direction without hitting a limit.
In order to accurately set the force control for the
operator, the control board must “learn” the specific RPM
profile for your operator. This is done using the red
button, “S3”, located at the end of the control board, next
to the microprocessor.
NOTE: Motor learn must be performed in stand alone
mode while running at its slowest speed setting as set by
the main speed potentiometer. The gate must be
correctly installed and connected to the operator.
1. Set the gate speed to the slowest setting by turning
the main speed potentiometer (located in front of the
small control board) fully counter-clockwise.
2. Press the motor learn button (S3) on the main control
board. The yellow LED should start to flash rapidly.
3. Push and hold down either the open or the close
buttons. The motor will run for a few seconds and
then stop. If the LED goes out the motor is learned.
If the unit hits a limit before completing the learn
sequence or some other error occurs, the LED will go
back to “on” continuously. If this happens, try
learning the motor in the opposite direction.
The limits and other aspects of the operator can be
configured at this time. Refer to the main operator
manual, 01-34850, for these instructions.
After the limits are set and the gate is operating as
intended, the main speed potentiometer can be adjusted
as desired. Verify that the gate can run the full open and
close distances without incident after adjusting the main
speed potentiometer.
NOTE: If the gate cannot move at full speed without
stopping, the motor profile must be re-learned at a
higher minimum speed. To do this, increase the
minimum speed by turning the Min Speed Trimpot
clockwise. Adjust the Main Speed Potentiometer to its
minimum setting (fully counter clockwise) and repeat the
motor learn process.
Min Speed
Main Speed

Summary of content (1 pages)