
Channel Master Operation Manual
P/N 95B-6001-00 (January 2005) page 71
Recommended Setting. Set using WinHADCP.
Description The Channel Master interleaves individual pings within a
group so they are evenly spread throughout the ensemble.
During the ensemble interval set by TE, the Channel Master
transmits the number of pings set by the WP-command. TP
determines the spacing between the pings. If TP = 0, the
Channel Master pings as quickly as it can based on the time it
takes to transmit each ping plus the overhead that occurs for
processing. Several commands determine the actual ping time
(WF, WN, WS, and actual water depth).
Example TP00:00.10 sets the time between pings to 0.10 second.
Note The Channel Master automatically increases TE if WP x
TP > TE.
TS – Set Real-Time Clock
Purpose Sets the Channel Master’s internal real-time clock.
Format TSyy/mm/dd, hh:mm:ss
Range yy = year 00-99
mm = month 01-12
dd = day 01-31
hh = hour 00-23
mm = minute 00-59
ss = second 00-59
Recommended Setting. Set using WinHADCP.
Example TS98/06/17, 13:15:00 sets the real-time clock to 1:15:00 pm,
June 17, 1998.
Notes 1. When the Channel Master receives the carriage return after
the TS-command, it enters the new time into the real-time
clock and sets hundredths of seconds to zero.
2. The internal clock does account for leap years.
3. If the entry is not valid, the Channel Master sends an error
message and does not update the real-time clock.