
6.4 Video
This screen is used to manage the video inputs in your EyeOn System through the use of Video
Distribution. From the Video Menu, name the inputs in your Video System (Example: SATELITE or
DVD) make sure they match to the actual inputs in your video distribution component. Then select the
Remotes from the drop-down box correspond with each of the devices. Make sure device is set to
“Enabled” to allow for video distribution. If you have not setup the remote for the Inputs please see
Managing Remotes. Remotes are not required.
Next select which rooms have video output and which remote will be used to control the Video
System in that room. If you have not setup the remote for the room please see Managing Remotes.
Remotes are not required. Make sure to enable the outputs. You must hit “Next” to save all changes.
For more information on Advance see the Advance Video Setup Section. Remember to hit the next
button first to save all your inputs before hitting Advance.