User's Manual

2150GR Ground Penetrating Radar
054-140 - Rev. 2
The equipment conforms to the following requirements set by EC regulations, including
subsequent modifications, and to the legislation set by the member states that implement
these regulations:
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive
89/336/EEC EMC Directive
Warning: this equipment is destined for use in industrial
environments (Class A apparatus). In residential, commercial and
light industry environments, this apparatus may generate radio
interference: in this case, the user may be required to operate while
taking appropriate countermeasures.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition
that this device does not cause harmful interference. Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by The Charles Machine Works, Inc
. could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment.
The users of the 2150GR shall supply operational areas to the FCC Office of Engineering
and Technology, which shall coordinate this information with the Federal Government
through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The information
provided by the user shall include the name, address, and other pertinent contact information
of the user, the desired geographical area(s) of operation, the FCC ID number and other
nomenclature of the 2150GR. The geographical area(s) of operations may be the state(s) or
county(ies) in which the equipment will be operated. This material shall be submitted to the
following address:
Frequency Coordination Branch, OET
Federal Communications Commission
Attn: UWB Coordination
445 12
Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
Users of authorized, coordinated 2150GR systems may transfer them to other qualified users
and to different locations upon coordination of change of ownership or location to the FCC
and coordination with existing authorized operations.
The FCC/NTIA coordination report shall identify those geographical areas within which the
operation of a 2150GR requires additional coordination or within which the operation of a
2150GR is prohibited. If additional coordination is required for operation within specific
geographical areas, a local coordination contact will be provided. Except for operation
within these designated areas, once the information requested on the 2150GR is submitted to
the FCC no additional coordination with the FCC is required provided the reported areas of
operation do not change. If the area of operation changes, updated information shall be
submitted to the FCC following the procedure in paragraph (b) of this section.
The coordination of routine UWB operations shall not take longer than 15 days from the
receipt of the coordination request by NTIA. Special temporary operations may be handled
with an expedited turn-around time when circumstances warrant. The operation of the
2150GR system in emergency situations involving the safety of life or property may occur
without coordination provided a notification procedure, similar to that contained in CFR 47,
Section 2.405(a) through (e) is followed by the equipment user.