
Direct Import Goods
Products available for purchase from Wayfair Australia may be sourced from within Australia or from
International Markets. Products which are sourced directly from outside Australia and are available for
sale on wayfair.com.au are specifically labeled as Direct Import Goods.
By purchasing Direct Import Goods you acknowledge and agree that you will be recorded as the importer
of record. As a result you will be the responsible party for any Taxes associated with the importation of
goods. Taxes, Duties and Shipping charges will be provided in full at the time of checkout. You
acknowledge that Wayfair Australia is not liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense that you incur as a
result of your obligation to act as the importer of record for the Direct Import Goods. Orders with a
customs value over the ‘low value import threshold’ (currently AUD$1,000, subject to change at any time)
are subject to duties and taxes, which if applicable on your order, will be calculated at checkout and paid
by the customer. For further information on applicable duties and taxes, visit www.customs.gov.au.
For Australian customs purposes, each order placed will be considered as the one consignment in which
case the total value of the number of Imported Goods will be taken into account in assessing whether the
low value import threshold has been reached.
Wayfair Australia will be using its Nominated Delivery Agent for all shipping and delivery requirements, on
your behalf. The cost of shipping and any other duties will be charged separately from the price of the
Direct Import Goods. All charges will be shown and charged in full at the time of checkout.
Direct Import Goods are sourced from international markets and as such some may not be available for
sale in Australia. This means that there may be no Australia Recommended Retail Price for some
Products. Where we have been able to establish that a Product is for sale in the country, we have used
that products market price as the Recommended Retail Price. In other cases, a Recommended Retail
Price or “List Price” has been established by converting the price in the market from which the goods
were sourced into Australian dollars. This List Price is sourced and converted to Australian Dollars daily to
ensure the best possible reflect of foreign market prices. Exchange Rates are sourced daily with data
provided by Yahoo and Google.
Returns for all Direct Import Goods will be subject to the standard 30-Day Return Policy, however all
returns will be sent to an Australian location for local processing. As such the cost of return shipments will
not incur any international shipping charges.

Summary of content (1 pages)