
Technical questions & concern:
This test report is governed by the Terms and Conditions, available on request or accessible Attention is
especially drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and jurisdictional provisions defined therein.
This report is issued strictly based on the testing of the samples submitted by you. The test results in this
report refer only to the sample(s) actually tested and do not refer or be deemed to refer to any bulk production
from which such sample(s) may be said to have been obtained. In the event that was requested to survey and
test any bulk production quantity of samples, in the absence of any contrary written instructions, performed
random sampling of bulk production for testing purposes. Variations in the conditions under which samples
are stored, transported, etc., may lead to variations in the test results. We cannot anticipate and shall not be
held responsible for variations in test results that may be due to factors beyond control, such as, sample
cross-contamination, evaporation of volatile substances due to storage temperature, humidity, etc. This
report does not constitute a recommendation, actual or implied, for any specific course of action. Other than
the expressed warranties made in the Terms and Conditions of the Test Request Form, We makes no
warranties or representations either express or implied with respect to this report. In no circumstances
whatsoever shall be liable for any consequential, special or incidental damages arising out of, or in
connection with, this report.
If there is question or concern regarding the above results, please contact the appropriate lab person below:
General questions & concern:
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