User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Document Title
C-Scan System User Reference Manual
Document No. DOC0001667 Revision 14 Date 22 May 2022
Page 21 of 90
Before using this document, check that you use latest revision (see Arena)
* Printed revisions are for Reference Only*
2. Use the liners attached to the top of the stickers to lock and tighten the C-Scan
Track in each of the three pockets. Be sure to follow the contour of the units
when tightening the liners.
Figure 5: Attaching the C-Scan
Track to the back
6.2 C-Scan
Cap ingestion procedure
Once the C-Scan
Track is attached to the subject back follow the steps below:
1. Take the C-Scan
Cap box out of the C-Scan
Kit and verify that it is intact and close.
Note: If the box has been opened, discontinue the procedure and contact Check-Cap
for further directions.
2. Hand the C-Scan
Cap sealed box to the subject. The subject opens the C-Scan
Cap box by removing the “Remove before ingestion” label on the side of the box and
releasing the blue clasp downward (preferably above a table).
Note: Be sure to keep the box above a table or similar work top to prevent
accidentally dropping the Cap on the floor. If it falls it must not be ingested.
3. Ask the subject to stand.
Note: Ingestion should be performed while subject is standing.
4. Instruct the subject to take the C-Scan
Cap from the box just before swallowing and
put it in his mouth.
Note: Instruct the subject to avoid biting the Cap or hold it between the teeth.
5. Give the subject glass of water and instruct him to ingest the C-Scan
Cap with water.
6. Following the capsule ingestion give the subject a glass of water with 15ml of contrast
agent (Omnipaque 350mg Iodine /ml) and instruct him to drink the whole glass. The
patient may also intake the contrast agent without dissolving it in a glass of water, per
the patient’s preference.
7. Thereafter, give the patient dietary fiber pills equivalent to 1500 mg (e.g., Psyllium
Husk Caps 500 mg).
8. Document the date and time of the C-Scan
Cap ingestion.