User`s guide

Chapter V. WD-UDP
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[root@r10 ~]# /usr/local/src/hpcbench/udp/udpserver -p 9000 &
[1] 11453
[root@r10 ~]# TCP socket listening on port [9000]
[root@r10 ~]#
/usr/local/src/hpcbench/udp/udpserver -p 9001 &
[2] 11454
[root@r10 ~]# TCP socket listening on port [9001]
[root@r10 ~]#
Then on r9, we run udptest to port 9000 to see the host stack UDP latency:
[root@r9 ~]# /usr/local/src/hpcbench/udp/udptest -r 5 -a -h -p
Running the same test with libcxgb4_sock:
[root@r9 ~]# /usr/local/src/hpcbench/udp/udptest
-r 5 -a -h -p 9001
4.1.5. Performance tuning on 2.6.18 kernel
To get better performance with WD-UDP using the 2.6.18 kernel, load the iw_cxgb4 modules
with the ocqp_support=0 parameter. For example,
modprobe iw_cxgb4 ocqp_support=0
4.1.6. Determining if the application is being offloaded
To see if the application is being offloaded, open a window on one of the machines, and run
tcpdump against the Chelsio interface. If you see minimal UDP output on the interface, then the
UDP traffic is being properly offloaded.