User`s guide

Chapter I. Chelsio Unified Wire
Chelsio T5/T4 Unified Wire For Linux Page 14
docs: The docs directory contains support documents - README, Release Notes and
User’s Guide (this document) for the software.
libs: This directory is for libraries required to install the WD-UDP and iWARP drivers. The
libibverbs library has implementation of RDMA verbs which will be used by iWARP
applications for data transfers. The librdmacm library works as an RDMA connection
manager. The libcxgb4 library works as an interface between the above mentioned generic
libraries and Chelsio iWARP driver. The libcxgb4_sock library is a LD_PRELOAD-able
library that accelerates UDP Socket communications transparently and without
recompilation of the user application.
Makefile: The Makefile for building and installing from the source.
sample_machinefile: Sample file used during iWARP installation on cluster nodes.
scripts: Support scripts used by the Unified Wire Installer.
specs: The packaging specification files required for building RPM packages.
src: Source code for different drivers.
support: This directory contains source files for the dialog utility.
ba_tools: Management and configuration tools for bypass adapters.
benchmarks: This directory contains various benchmarking tools to measure
throughput and latency of various networks.
cop: The cop tool compiles offload policies into a simple program form that can be
loaded into the kernel and interpreted. These offload policies are used to determine
the settings to be used for various connections. The connections to which the
settings are applied are based on matching filter specifications. Please find more
details on this tool in its manual page (run man cop command).
cxgbtool: The cxgbtool queries or sets various aspects of Chelsio network
interface cards. It complements standard tools used to configure network settings
and provides functionality not available through such tools. Please find more details
on this tool in its manual page (run man cxgbtool command).
rdma_tools: This directory contains iWARP benchmarking tools.
sniffer: This directory contains sniffer tracing and filtering libraries. See WD Sniffing
and Tracing chapter for more information.
um: This directory contains Unified Wire Manager RPMs for different distributions
and Management Station configuration files.
chsetup: The chsetup tool loads NIC,TOE and iWARP drivers, and creates WD-
UDP configuration file.
chstatus: This utility provides status information on any Chelsio NIC in the system. This shell script is to tune the system for higher performance. It
achieves it through modifying the IRQ-CPU binding. This script can also be used to
change Tx coalescing settings. RFC2544 Forward test tuning script.
To use cxbtool for FCoE Initiator driver, use [root@host]# cxgbtool stor h