User`s guide

Chapter I. Chelsio Unified Wire
Chelsio T5/T4 Unified Wire For Linux Page 41
To uninstall UDP Segmentation Offload driver:
[root@host]# make udp_offload_uninstall
To uninstall WD-TOE driver:
[root@host]# make wdtoe_uninstall
vii. To uninstall WD-TOE and WD-UPD drivers together
[root@host]# make wdtoe_wdudp_uninstall
To uninstall Unified Wire Manager (UM)
[root@host]# make uninstall UM_UNINST=1
[root@host]# make tools_uninstall UM_UNINST=1
4.2. Uninstalling Chelsio Unified Wire from RPM
Change your current working directory to Chelsio Unified Wire package directory and and run
the following command:
[root@host]# ./ <inbox/ofed>
inbox : for removing all Chelsio drivers.
ofed : for removing OFED and Chelsio drivers.
The uninstallation options may vary depending on Linux distribution. View
help by typing [root@host]# ./ h for more information.