User`s guide

Chapter I. Chelsio Unified Wire
Chelsio T5/T4 Unified Wire For Linux Page 43
5. Configuring Chelsio Network Interfaces
In order to test Chelsio adapters’ features it is required to use two machines both with Chelsio’s
(T5, T4 or both) network adapters installed. These two machines can be connected directly
without a switch (back-to-back), or both connected to a switch. The interfaces have to be
declared and configured. The configuration files for network interfaces on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (RHEL) distributions are kept under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.
5.1. Configuring network-scripts
A typical interface network-script (e.g. eth0) on RHEL 6.3 looks like the following:
# file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
In the case of DHCP addressing the last two lines should be removed and
BOOTPROTO="static" should be changed to BOOTPROTO="dhcp"
The ifcfg-ethX files have to be created manually. They are required for bringing the
interfaces up and down and attribute the desired IP addresses.
On earlier versions of RHEL the NETMASK attribute is named IPMASK. Make
sure you are using the right attribute name.
Some operating systems may attempt to auto-configure the detected hardware
and some may not detect all ports on a multi-port adapter. If this happens,
please refer to the operating system documentation for manually configuring the
network device.