User Manual

Picture 3-9
C opy the file into memory card
1. Connect MID and PC via USB connector.
2. Operate as the MID memory setting to connect the MID and PC.
3. Open “My computer” to view Mobile disk(x).
4. Copy the file you need to copy into “Mobile disk(x)”.
5. After copying, click “close USB memory” in your computer to uninstall.
Note: Whe n y ou MID is connected i n U SB cab le, if you o pen t he USB memory
device, you can v isit the memory card th rough MID . If y ou ho pe to visit the
memory card, you need to disconnect the USB cable.
3.8 Input words
Use screen keyboard
When y ou st art ap plication or ch oose t he ty pying wo rd or n umber edi t b ox, i t will
popup screen keyboard. The keyboard has below input methods:
1. Android keyboard
2. Google pinyin input methods
Choose the input method you want
According to the preset, MID will display Android keyboard
1. According to the preset, MID will d isplay Andr oid key board In the m ain
interface, touch setting application, click language and input method.
2. In the text setting area, it will list all the input methods you MID has installed.