User's Manual

CHEP Pallet Tracker is intended for enterprise
customers wanting to track their assets.
Customers with BRIX enterprise license will get
access to Device management application to
configure the device operation rules like
logging frequency, ping transmit frequency and
can choose the sensor to use like temperature,
motion and magneto meter etc. Device can
report sensor data every 5min. to once in 3day.
Customer can enable the GPS if pallet is
expected to work under clear sky. More reports
per day shorter the battery life.
CHEP pallet tracker reports its current location on
the scheduled interval along with sensor data.
Each communication report from tracker to BRIX
is called “Ping” and BRIX uses these “Ping” to
create the journey using it preoperatory Asset
journey algorithm. Customer can login on Asset
tracking application module in the BRIX and
visualize the complete journey on the map.
Please in-between each “Ping” CHEP Pallet
Tracker is in the sleep State, preserving the
Customer can monitor 1000s of devices in a
comprehensive view on BRIX dashboard and
can take corrective actions. CHEP pallet tracker
uses Cellular, Wifi or GPS to determine it’s
location and accuracy of location goes from
coarse to accurate in the order. Customer can
monitor the # of times each tracker has used
Cellular, Wifi or GPS. Customer can see the
data for only the devices allocated to it’s own
account only but once the customer cancels it’s
account, tracker data will no longer be visible
even though device will continue to work &
report data.