
Order description
Order no. Colour Interface
G84-4700LUCxx-0 light grey USB
G84-4700PUCxx-2 black USB
The xx in the order no. defines the country version.
BE Belgium
CH Switzerland
DE Germany
DK Denmark
ES Spain
EU US English/international with €
FR France
GB English (UK)
IT Italy
NO Norway
PO Portugal
SF Sweden / Finland
US English (US)
Other versions upon request.
Cherry GmbH
D-91275 Auerbach/Opf.
Phone: +49 9643 18-0
Hotline: +49 9643 18-206
Fax: +49 9643 18-1545
The manufacturer accepts no liability for errors or
non-availability, and reserves the right to change
specifications without prior notice.
Technical data relate to product specifications only.
Features may differ from those described. Only
drawings combined with product specifications shall
be deemed binding.
© 2003 Cherry GmbH