Owner's Manual

Listed are four situations you may experience with your
fuel gage:
At the gas station, the fuel pump shuts off before
the gage reads full.
It takes a little more or less fuel to fill up than the
fuel gage indicated. For example, the gage may
have indicated the tank was half full, but it actually
took a little more or less than half the tank’s
capacity to fill the tank.
The gage moves a little when you turn a corner or
speed up.
The gage doesn’t go back to empty when you turn
off the ignition.
None of these indicate a problem with the fuel gage.
Audio System(s)
Notice: Before adding any sound equipment to
your vehicle, like a tape player, CB radio, mobile
telephone, or two-way radio, make sure that it can
be added by checking with your dealer. Also,
check federal rules covering mobile radio and
telephone units. If sound equipment can be added,
it is very important to do it properly. Added
sound equipment may interfere with the operation
of your vehicle’s engine, radio, or other systems,
and even damage them. Your vehicle’s systems may
interfere with the operation of sound equipment
that has been added improperly.
Figure out which audio system is in your vehicle, find
out what your audio system can do, and how to operate
all of its controls.
Your vehicle may have a feature called Retained
Accessory Power (RAP). With RAP, the audio system
can be played even after the ignition is turned off.
See Retained Accessory Power (RAP) on page 2-19 for
more information.