
Playing a Disc
To play a disc, gently insert the disc, with the label side
up, into the loading slot. The DVD player will continue
loading the disc and the player will automatically start if
the vehicle is in the on position, ACC, or RAP.
If a disc is already in the player, make sure that the
DVD player is on, then press the play/pause button
on the player faceplate or on the remote control.
Some DVDs will not allow fast forwarding or skipping
of the copyright information or the previews. Some
DVDs will begin playing after the previews have finished.
If the DVD does not begin playing at the main title,
refer to the on-screen instructions.
Stopping and Resuming Playback
To stop playing a disc, press and release the stop
button on the DVD player faceplate or the remote control.
To resume playback, press the play/pause button
on the DVD player faceplate or the remote control.
The movie should resume play from where it was last
stopped if the disc has not been ejected or the stop
button has not been pressed twice on the remote control.
If the disc has been ejected or if the stop button has
been pressed twice on the remote control, press the play
button once to resume play at the beginning of the
disc. A resume symbol will appear momentarily on the
video screen. When the resume symbol is displayed,
press the play button again to resume playback
from where the disc last stopped.
Ejecting a Disc
Press the eject button, on the DVD player or the remote
control, to eject the disc.
If a disc is ejected from the player, but not removed,
the DVD player will reload the disc after a short period
of time. The disc will be stored in the DVD player.
The DVD player will not resume play of the disc