Technical data

Infotainment system 191
1. Search destination by address
Picture 3.4 Address Search
For example: No.25,
Senkenberganlage, Frankfurt,
1. Touch "Address Search" on
"Search Menu" screen ;
In the "Search Menu" screen
(Picture 3.4), touch "Country"
to enter the "Country Search"
screen (Picture 3.5).
Picture 3.5 Country Search
2. Select one among European
In "Country Search" Screen,
the default country is the
recent search country
"Germany". You could touch
w or x to browse country list
and select one among 41
European countries.
Picture 3.6 City Search
3. In order to specify the
destination, firstly enter city
name, and select the desired city;
You could enter the name of
the city, or the prefix, and the
system will automatically list
all cities matching the input