Technical data

Vehicle care 325
Check inflation pressure when
tyres are cold. Warm tyres produce
inaccurate readings. Tyres can
become warm after you have
driven more than one mile (1.6km)
and stay warm for up to three
hours after vehicle has been
Tire pressure monitoring
The tyre pressure monitoring system
checks the pressure of all four
wheels once per minute when
vehicle speed exceeds a certain
All wheels must be equipped with
pressure sensors and the tyres must
have the prescribed pressure. If
wheels without sensors are mounted,
the tyre pressure monitoring system
is not operational. Retrofitting of
sensors is possible.
Tread depth
Check tread depth at regular
Tires should be replaced for safety
reasons at a tread depth of 2-3 mm
(4 mm for winter tires).
The legally permissible minimum
tread depth (1.6 mm) has been
reached when the tread has worn
down as far as one of the tread wear
indicators (TWI). Their position is
indicated by markings on the
If there is more wear at the front than
the rear, swap round front wheels
and rear wheels. Ensure that the
direction of rotation of the wheels is
the same as before.
If the pressure is too low, this can
result in considerable tire warmup
and internal damage, leading to
tread separation and even to tire
blow-out at high speeds.