Technical data

Vehicle care 327
Different size tires and
If tires of a different size than those
fitted at the factory are used, it may
be necessary to reprogram the
speedometer as well as the nominal
tire pressure and make other vehicle
After converting to a different tire
size, have the label with tire
pressures replaced.
Wheel covers
Wheel covers and tires that are
factory approved for the respective
vehicle and comply with all of the
relevant wheel and tire combination
requirements must be used.
If the wheel covers and tires used
are not factory approved, the tires
must not have a rim protection ridge.
Wheel covers must not impair brake
Use of unsuitable tires or wheels
may lead to accidents and will
invalidate the vehicle type
Do not use different size and type
of tires and wheels than those
originally installed on the vehicle. It
can affect safety and performance
of the vehicle. It could lead to
handling failure or rollover and
serious injury. When replacing
tires, be sure to install all four tires
and wheels of the same size, type,
tread, brand and load-carrying
capacity. The use of any other tire
size or type may seriously affect
ride, handling, ground clearance,
stopping distance, body clearance
and speedometer reliability.
Use of unsuitable tires or wheel
covers could lead to sudden
pressure loss and thereby