User's Manual Part 3

The Main Menu
3. Scroll to Calendar and press Select.
• To write a note for today, press Select two times.
• To write a note for a specific date, scroll to Go to date and press Select.
Enter the date using alphanumeric keys and press OK.
Press Select two times.
4. Specify the following:
Time: enter the time of the event using alphanumeric keys. Press Down.
Note type: Press Left or Right to select a type for this note. Press Down.
Content: enter the description of the event. Press Down.
Name: If you want to make a call to someone, enter a name here, or press
Options and select From Phone Book to pick up a name from Phone Book.
Phone number: Same as above. You can enter a phone number here or pick
up a phone number in Phone Book by pressing Options and select From
Phone Book.
Alarm tone: Press Left or Right to select an alarm tone.
Circulation type: Press Left or Right to select the repeat type of this event.
If this event occurs only once, select Off.
Alarm: Press Left or Right to select the time of the alarm to be activated
before the event. If Off is selected, the alarm will be deactivated.
Alarm vibrating: Press Left or Right to turn on/off the vibration when
alarm is activated.
5. Press Save.
Viewing note
Viewing today’s note
1. In standby mode, press the left soft key.
2. Scroll to Extras and press Select.
3. Scroll to Calendar and press Select.
4. Press Select.
5. Scroll to a note and press Select.
Viewing notes on a specific date
1. In standby mode, press the left soft key.
2. Scroll to Extras and press Select.
3. Scroll to Calendar and press Select.
4. Scroll to Go to date and press Select.
5. Enter the date using alphanumeric keys and press OK.
6. Press Select.