User's Manual

Safety and Legal InformaonSafety and Legal Informaon
For opmal mobile device performance, and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the guidelines set
forth in the relevant standards, always follow these instrucons and precauons.
When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your mobile device just like you would a landline phone. If you wear the mobile
device on your body, always place the mobile device in a body-worn accessory such as a holder, holster, case, or body harness. If
you do not use a body-worn accessory, keep the mobile device and its antenna at least 2.5 cenmeters (1 inch) from your body
when transming. Using accessories not supplied or approved by the manufacturer may cause your mobile device to exceed RF
energy exposure guidelines.
Nearly every electronic device is subject to RF energy interference from external sources if inadequately shielded, designed, or
otherwise congured for RF energy compability. In some circumstances, your mobile device may cause interference with other
devices. Follow Instrucons to Avoid Interference Problems. Turn o your mobile device in any locaon where posted noces
instruct you to do so. In an aircra, turn o your mobile device whenever instructed to do so by airline sta. If your mobile
device oers an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline sta about using it in ight.
If you have an implantable medical device, such as a pacemaker or debrillator, consult your physician before using this mobile
Persons with implantable medical devices should observe the following precauons:
ALWAYS keep the mobile device more than 20 cenmeters (8 inches) from the implantable medical device when the mobile
device is turned ON.
DO NOT carry the mobile device in the breast pocket.
Use the ear opposite the implantable medical device to minimize the potenal for interference.
Turn OFF the mobile device immediately if you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.
Read and follow the direcons from the manufacturer of your implantable medical device. If you have any quesons about using
your mobile device with your implantable medical device, consult your healthcare provider.
Some parts of your mobile device may be made of glass. This glass could break if the product is dropped on a hard surface or
receives a substanal impact. If glass breaks, do not touch or aempt to remove. Stop using your mobile device unl the glass is
replaced by a qualied service center.
Some people may be suscepble to epilepc seizures or blackouts when exposed to ashing lights, such as when playing video
games. These may occur even if a person has never had a previous seizure or blackout.
If you have experienced seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult with your
physician before playing video games or enabling a ashing-lights feature (if available) on your mobile device.
Disconnue use and consult a physician if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of
awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientaon. It is always a good idea to hold the screen away from your eyes, leave the
lights on in the room, take a 15-minute break every hour, and stop use if you are red.
Warning: Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of me may aect your hearing. The louder the volume
sound level, the less me is required before your hearing could be aected. To protect your hearing:
Limit the amount of me you use headsets or headphones at high volume.
Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.
Turn the volume down if you can’t hear people speaking near you.
If you experience hearing discomfort, including the sensaon of pressure or fullness in your ears, ringing in your ears, or mued
speech, you should stop listening to the device through your headset or headphones and have your hearing checked.
When you repevely perform acons such as pressing keys or entering nger-wrien characters, you may experience
occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. If you connue to have discomfort
during or aer such use, stop use and see a physician.
This phone model may include copyrighted third-party soware stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the
United States and other countries preserve for third-party soware providers certain exclusive rights for copyrighted soware,
such as the exclusive rights to distribute or reproduce the copyrighted soware. Accordingly, any copyrighted soware contained
in this phone model may not be modied, reverse-engineered, distributed, or reproduced in any manner to the extent allowed
by law. Furthermore, the purchase of this phone model will not be deemed to grant either directly or by implicaon, estoppels,
or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents, or patent applicaons of any third-party soware provider, except for
the normal, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use that arises by operaon of law in the sale of a product.
The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to the provisions of the Copyright Laws of the United States and
other countries. This phone model is intended solely for copying non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the
copyright, or materials which you are authorized or legally permied to copy. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any
material, please contact your legal advisor.
This phone model can use Global Posioning System (GPS) signals for locaon-based applicaons. GPS uses satellites controlled
by the U.S. government that are subject to changes implemented in accordance with the Department of Defense policy and the
Federal Radio Navigaon Plan. These changes may aect the performance of locaon technology on your mobile device. Your
mobile device can also use Assisted Global Posioning System (AGPS), which obtains informaon from the cellular network
to improve GPS performance. AGPS uses your wireless service providers network and therefore airme, data charges, and/or
addional charges may apply in accordance with your service plan. Contact your cellular service provider for details.
Locaon-based informaon includes informaon that can be used to determine the approximate locaon of a mobile device.
Mobile phones which are connected to a wireless network transmit locaon-based informaon. Devices enabled with GPS or
AGPS technology also transmit locaon-based informaon. Addionally, if you use applicaons that require locaon-based
informaon (e.g. driving direcons), such applicaons transmit locaon-based informaon. This locaon-based informaon may
be shared with third pares, including your wireless service provider, applicaons providers, and other third pares providing
When you make an emergency call, the cellular network may acvate the AGPS technology in your mobile device to tell the
emergency responders your approximate locaon.
AGPS has limitaons and might not work in your area. Therefore:
Always tell the emergency operator your locaon to the best of your ability; and
Remain on the phone for as long as the emergency operator instructs you.
Mapping informaon, direcons, and other navigaonal data, use a combinaon of governmental and private locaon
informaon sources. These sources may contain inaccurate or incomplete data. Therefore, you should visually conrm that the
navigaonal instrucons are consistent with what you see. All drivers should pay aenon to road condions, closures, trac,
and all other factors that may impact driving. Always obey posted road signs.