User's Manual

Statements FCC
CKIP MIC errors
Scan Available Networks
Click the Scan button on the Profile Management tab to scan for available infrastructure
and ad hoc networks. On this list, click Refresh to refresh the list at any time.
Connecting to a different network
Highlight a network name and click the Activate button to connect an available
network. If no configuration profile exists for that network, the Profile Management
window opens to the General tab. Fill in the profile name and click OK to create the
configuration profile for that network.
(AP) Network
(AP) Network
Display Settings
To change the display settings, choose Options > Display Settings from the menu. The
display settings dialog box contains tools to set the:
Signal Strength Display
Sets the units used when displaying signal
strength: percentage (%) or dBm.
Refresh Interval Use the up/down arrows to set the display refresh
interval in seconds.
Data Display Sets the display to cumulative or relative:
Relative displays the change in statistical data
since the last update.
Cumulative displays statistical data collected
since opening the profile.
ACU Tools
Use the Action menu to access the Atheros Client Utility tools:
Enable/Disable Radio Enable or disable the RF Signal on all Atheros
station reference designs.
Enable/Disable TrayIcon
Enable or disable the tray icon.
Troubleshooting Run the optional Troubleshooting Utility.
Manual LEAP Login Log in to LEAP manually, if LEAP is set to
manually prompt for user name and password on
each login.