User's Guide

Overview of Baby Unit
Important guidelines for installing your Digital Video Baby Monitor
To use your Baby Unit and Parent Unit together, you must be able to
establish a radio link between them, and the range will be affected by
environmental conditions.
Any large metal object, like a refrigerator, a mirror, a filing cabinet, a
metallic door or reinforced concrete, between the Baby Unit and Parent
Unit may block the radio signal.
The signal strength may also be reduced by other solid structures, like walls,
or by radio or electrical equipment, such as TVs, computers, cordless or
mobile phones, uorescent lights or dimmer switches.
Other 2.4GHz products, such as wireless networks (Wi-Fi
Bluetooth™ systems, microwave ovens or other Baby Monitors, may cause
interference with this product, so keep the Baby Monitor at least 5ft (1.5m)
away from these types of products, or switch them off if they appear to be
causing interference.
If the signal is weak, try moving the Parent and/or the Baby Unit to different
positions in the rooms.
1. Light Sensor
2. Camera Lens
3. Microphone
4. Gooseneck
5. Room Temperature Sensor
6. Privacy Protection Knob
Slide to switch On/Off the privacy
protection mode.
7. Multi-purpose Stand
8. PAIR Button
9. Micro-SD Card Slot
Support micro-SD card up to
32MB memory.
10. Power Socket