User's Manual

1 . Com ponent s inside Box
Digit al Phot o Fram e
Rem ot e cont rol
USB Ext ended Cable
User Manual
2 . Butt on, Port and Rem ot e Cont r ol I nst ruct ion
2 .1 But t ons a nd Port s on t he fram e :
DPF7A7 unit s com e wit h a touch but t on except t he power but t on You can easily
com m and t he DPF unit s by soft ly pressing t he but t ons.
Up 1. m ove upward
2. exit t ool bar under pict ure m ode
Dow nMove downward
Left 1.Move left ward
2. Back to parent of working direct ory
1.Move right ward
2. m ove to children of working direct ory
3. While in t he Edit m ode, pressing
can select t he files t o copy or
Ent e r
Confirm t he com m and
show com m and t ool bar of pict ure while browsing picture
exit working direct ory and ret urn to parent direct ory
Pow er Turn on/ off