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Chongqing Jinou Science &Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Select a serial communication software (such as HyperTerminal or serial debugging
assistant) to open the linked serial port. The serial port parameters under the parameter
setting state are always configured to 9600bps and 8-N-1, and they have nothing to do with
the serial parameters of the data communication which the AT command set.
Press the toggle key to make the device enter into the parameter setting state. The blinking
indicator extinguishes and the serial port should receive "+ OPEN: x\r\n ", and “x” as the
current number of the memorized devices. Then you can send commands. What need to be
noted is that all commands are end with CRLF ""\r\n ". All the commands will return
"\r\nOK\r\n " to response after sending and receiving correctly. If returns "\r\nERROR\r\n
" , please check whether the sending is correct. For example: sending a test command
AT\r\n should send the 4 bytes ‘A’‘T’‘\r’‘\n’. The Bluetooth returns “\r\nOK\r\n” after
receiving properly.
7 Two serial adapter can not connect with each other
Use Configuration Tools to inquiry and confirm whether one of the 2 modules is a Master
device, the other one is a Slave device; whether the passwords and Category Codes of the
two modules are the same, and if they are not, you should use the Configuration Tools to
modify them into a same value.
Whether the master device has memorized other module’s address. If it is, please remove it.
Besides, please check whether there are other Bluetooth setting or not. If there are, please
close it.
Whether the module has set the Bind Address option and connected with other devices. If
it is, please remove the Match Setting addresses first. Because, for the Slave device, it is
not allowed to be inquired and matched and only can be connected with its memorized
devices if it has memorized the address; for the Master device, it will try to connect with
its memorized devices all the time if it has memorized the addresses.
8 Why PC, USB Dongle cannot find the serial adapter?
Firstly, ensure whether the serial adapter be set as a Slave device. For the serial adapter, the
master device cannot be found by other devices.
Whether the adapter has set the Bind Address option and connected with other devices. If it
is, please remove the Match Setting addresses first. Because, for the Slave device, it is not
allowed to be inquired and matched and only can be connected with its memorized devices
if it has memorized the address.
9 Why PC USB Dongle and serial adapter cannot realize data
communication or only communicate by one-way data
First, make sure whether the two devices establish a connection, judging by looking at
whether the Link indicator of the Bluetooth extinguish;
Check whether the serial cable connection is correct