Owners Manual

Chord Electronics
DAVE | Manual
During use of DAVE, you may
encounter a number of on-screen
display messages. Please use
the table below to discover their
Positive and inverted phase is for
system matching. Some products
invert absolute phase so we give
the option to match (or correct)
your system phase using the
phase option on DAVE. For
Chord Electronics amplification
you should select inverted phase
for correct matching.
7.1 DSD and PCM mode
7.2 Crossfeed
7.3 Settings memory &
galvanic isolation
7.4 Display messages
Display messages 7.4
34 // 35
PCM Set to PCM mode
DSD Set to DSD mode
Phase Neg Negative output phase
Phase Pos Positive output phase
Display 1-3 3 menu viewing options
Display 4 Message mode - will turn o DAVE screen after 30 seconds