User Manual

Chord Electronics
2yu | User manual
6 Connecting 2yu to an audio system
2yu features an array of digital outputs including: USB Type-A; BNC coax; RCA coax and optical.
Using a high-quality cable, connect 2yu’s digital output/s to the corresponding digital input/s on the
chosen partnering equipment (DAC, DAC-equipped device or the Hugo M Scaler). All outputs can be
connected, however, only the output selected will be active. You can select between USB or optical/
RCA/BNC combined (where all three outputs are active at once). See section 8 for details.
6.1 Supported sample rates
2yu features automatic downsampling for use with legacy DACs. If the sample rate of the incoming
signal is greater than the output’s capability, 2yu will automatically apply down-sampling. The tables on
the next page define 2yu’s output capabilities.
If you are not using a Chord Electronics DAC or M Scaler, please consult your device’s
manual regarding its input limitations to ensure compatibility.