User Manual

Chord Electronics
ULTIMA PRE 2 | Manual
You can record an input from
another audio source or two
sources at the same time. To do
so first connect the recording
device’s output to the T1 or T2
input (IN) sockets.
Your amplifier has two input
selection buses. The default
bus is bus A and this is the one
you would use to choose your
inputs in everyday operation. The
advantage of having two buses
is that it allows for two recording
devices to record (dierent
inputs) simultaneously.
Bus A is permanently connected
to the Tape 1 (T1) output and Bus
B is permanently connected to
Tape 2 (T2) output.
You can record from any source
to either of the recording outputs
and both outputs can be
5.1 Basic navigation
5.2 Volume and balance control
5.3 Display
5.4 Recording
5.5 Av bypass
Recording 5.4
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You can play audio on Line 1
on Bus A and record this by
connecting your recording device
to the Tape 1 (T1) output. At
the same time you can play
another audio device on Line 2
and connect another recording
device to the Tape 2 (T2) output
to record it. Simply switch
between Bus A and Bus B to
monitor either of the sources.
If you are recording an input on
one Bus you can still listen to
another input whilst recording
simply by selecting the other bus.