Operating Instructions

Touch-it CE 15,6
Operating Instructions
Copyright / © Christ Electronic Systems GmbH 12 / 15 Aug. 2020, Revision 01
a member of the Christ Company Group Document No.: PA10003599
4 Software
The highly customized software consists of:
Bootloader: Das U-Boot
Linux (poky/ces-fb based)
Kiosk browser based on chromium
The system is configured to load a pre-set webpage and offer no additional method of configuration and
does not allow any other use for the operator.
The system admin can configure the system via ssh.
4.1 Accessing the System
4.1.1 Accessing the System via SSH (Secure Shell)
SSH can be used for encrypted login over the network or for encrypted file transfer between your PC and
the device.
ssh root@<IP address of the device>
user@linux-pc:~$ ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 54:09:6d:2e:c6:b3:09:06:8d:4b:a8:0c:a8:7d:64:4a.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
SSH uses port 22. User name and password are the same as for serial (RS232) login.
User: root
Password: root123
Because the IP address of the device is set to DHCP, nmap can be used to scan for the evalkit.
sudo nmap sP <network identifier/netmask>