Product data

86 PowerVM Migration from Physical to Virtual Storage
Serial Number...............
Device Specific.(Z0)........0000053245005032
Device Specific.(Z1)........
# ls -l pattern.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 30 Oct 16 12:24
# cat pattern.txt
This is a raw disk test file.
# dd if=./pattern.txt of=/dev/hdisk8 seek=20 count=1
0+1 records in.
0+1 records out.
2. Get the unique_id of the SAN LUN. While the odmget command has been
used below, the lsattr command is also useful for this task.
# odmget CuAt | grep -p unique_id | grep -p hdisk8
name = "hdisk8"
attribute = "unique_id"
value = "3E213600A0B8000291B0800009A8103FAF5B50F1815
type = "R"
generic = "D"
rep = "nl"
nls_index = 79
On the Virtual I/O Server
3. Set up zoning on the SAN switch such that the LUN from the previous step is
visible to the Virtual I/O Server. Verify that the disk that you are seeing on the
Virtual I/O Server is the same as the standalone machine disk. If they are the
same disk, the values of the unique_id will match:
# odmget CuAt|grep -p unique_id|grep -p hdisk6
name = "hdisk6"
attribute = "unique_id"
value = "3E213600A0B8000291B0800009A8103FAF5B50F1815
type = "R"
generic = "D"
rep = "nl"
nls_index = 79