Product data

68 PowerVM Migration from Physical to Virtual Storage
hcheck_mode nonactive Health
Check Mode True
Location Label True
lun_id 0x0
Logical Unit Number ID False
lun_reset_spt yes LUN
Reset Supported True
max_retry_delay 60
Maximum Quiesce Time True
max_transfer 0x40000
Maximum TRANSFER Size True
node_name 0x200200a0b811a662 FC
Node Name False
pvid none
Physical volume identifier False
q_err yes Use
QERR bit True
q_type simple
Queuing TYPE True
queue_depth 10 Queue
reassign_to 120
REASSIGN time out value True
reserve_policy single_path
Reserve Policy True
rw_timeout 30
READ/WRITE time out value True
scsi_id 0x11000 SCSI
ID False
start_timeout 60 START
unit time out value True
unique_id 3E213600A0B8000291B0800009D760401BBB80F1815 FAStT03IBMfcp Unique
device identifier False
ww_name 0x201300a0b811a662 FC
World Wide Name False
Note in the above command output that there is no pvid assigned at this point
since hdisk8 is not a member of a volume group.
4. Use the AIX alt_disk_copy command to copy the rootvg to the external SAN
disk, hdisk8 in this example:
# alt_disk_copy -O -d hdisk8
Calling mkszfile to create new / file.
Checking disk sizes.
Creating cloned rootvg volume group and associated logical volumes.
Creating logical volume alt_hd5
Creating logical volume alt_hd6
Creating logical volume alt_hd8
Creating logical volume alt_hd4
Creating logical volume alt_hd2