
PLS62-W Hardware Interface Overview
5.4 Compliance with FCC and ISED Rules and Regulations
t PLS62-W_hio_v02.010a 2020-08-18
Public / Released
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5.4 Compliance with FCC and ISED Rules and Regulations
The Equipment Authorization Certification for the Thales reference application described in
Section 5.3 will be registered under the following identifiers:
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS62-W; QIPPLS62-W1
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS62W
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating PLS62-W modules are authorized to
use the FCC Grants and ISED Certificates of the PLS62-W modules for their own final products
according to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, an FCC/IC label of the
module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating
"Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS62-W (or Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS62-W1)”, and accordingly “Con-
tains IC: 7830A-PLS62W“. The integration is limited to fixed or mobile categorized host devices,
where a separation distance between the antenna and any person of min. 20cm can be assured
during normal operating conditions.
For mobile and fixed operation configurations the antenna gain, including cable loss, must not
exceed the limits listed in the following Table 11 for FCC and ISED.
Table 11: Antenna gain limits for FCC and IC
Operating band FCC limit ISED limit Unit
Maximum gain in LTE band1 5 5 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band2 2.15 2.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band3 5 5 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band4 2.15 2.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band5 5.15 5.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band7 4.2 4.2 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band8 4.2 4.2 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band12 2 2 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band18 5.15 5.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band19 5.15 5.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band20 5.15 5.15 dBi
Maximum gain in LTE band28 4.2 4.2 dBi
Maximum gain in GSM850 5.15 5.15 dBi
Maximum gain in GSM1900 2.15 2.15 dBi
Maximum gain in UMTE Band2 2.15 2.15 dBi
Maximum gain in UMTE Band 4 2.15 2.15 dBi
Maximum gain in UMTE Band 5 5.15 5.15 dBi