
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
3.3 Power Saving
t PLSx3_HID_v01.002d 2021-08-24
Public / Released
Page 74 of 129 Deferred Shutdown at Extreme Temperature Condition
In the following cases, automatic shutdown will be deferred if a critical temperature limit is ex-
While an emergency call is in progress.
During a two minute guard period after power-up. This guard period has been introduced in
order to allow for the user to make an emergency call. The start of any one of these calls
extends the guard period until the end of the call. Any other network activity may be terminated
by shutdown upon expiry of the guard time.
While in a "deferred shutdown" situation, PLSx3 continues to measure the temperature and to
deliver alert messages, but deactivates the shutdown functionality. Once the 2 minute guard
period is expired or the call is terminated, full temperature control will be resumed. If the tem-
perature is still out of range, PLSx3 switches off immediately (without another alert message).
Caution: Automatic shutdown is a safety feature intended to prevent damage to the module.
Extended usage of the deferred shutdown facilities provided may result in damage to the mod-
ule, and possibly other severe consequences.
3.3 Power Saving
PLSx3 is able to reduce its functionality to a minimum (during the so-called SLEEP mode and
SUSPEND mode) in order to minimize its current consumption. The following sections explain
the module’s network dependent power saving behavior. The power saving behavior is further
configurable by AT command:
When all serial interfaces (i.e. ASC0, and ASC1) are idle, the module can enter SLEEP
mode by additional configuration settings (i.e. AT^SPOW=2.3000,255).
AT^SCFG= "MEopMode/ExpectDTR": Power saving will take effect only if there is no trans-
mission data pending on any of the module’s USB ports. The expect DTR AT command
ensures that data becoming pending on any USB port before an external application has
signaled its readiness to receive the data is discarded. By default this behavior is enabled
for all available USB CDC ACM.
Using the AT command AT^SCFG="Radio/OutputPowerReduction" it is possible for the
module in GPRS multislot scenarios to reduce its output power according to 3GPP 45.005
3.3.1 Power Saving while Attached to GSM Networks
The power saving possibilities while attached to a GSM network depend on the paging timing
cycle of the base station. The duration of a power saving interval can be calculated using the
following formula:
t = 4.615 ms (TDMA frame duration) * 51 (number of frames) * DRX value.
DRX (Discontinuous Reception) is a value from 2 to 9, resulting in paging intervals between
0.47 and 2.12 seconds. The DRX value of the base station is assigned by the GSM network