
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios
t PLSx3_HID_v01.003 2021-03-12
Public / Released
Page 65 of 121
3.2.4 Turn off PLSx3
To switch the module off the following procedures may be used:
Software controlled shutdown procedure: Software controlled by sending an AT command
over the serial application interface. See Section
Hardware controlled shutdown procedure: Hardware controlled by setting the FST_SHDN
line to low. See Section
Automatic shutdown (software controlled): See Section 3.2.5
- Take effect if PLSx3 board temperature exceeds a critical limit, or if
- Undervoltage or overvlotage is detected. Switch off PLSx3 Using AT Command
The best and safest approach to powering down the module is to issue the AT^SMSO com-
mand. This procedure lets the module log off from the network and allows the software to enter
into a secure state and to save data before disconnecting the power supply. The shutdown pro-
cedure will be an active process for about 2 seconds (depending on environmental conditions
such as network states) until the module switches off.
A low level of the V180 signal as well as the URC "^SHUTDOWN" indicate that the switch off
procedure has completed and the module has entered the Power Down mode.
3.2.5 Automatic Shutdown
Automatic shutdown takes effect if the following event occurs:
PLSx3 board is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature (see
Undervoltage or overvoltage is detected (see Section and Section
The automatic shutdown procedure is equivalent to the power-down initiated with an AT com-
mand, i.e. PLSx3 logs off from the network and the software enters a secure state avoiding loss
of data. Thermal Shutdown
The board temperature is constantly monitored by an internal NTC resistor located on the PCB.
The values detected by the NTC resistor are measured directly on the board and therefore, are
not fully identical with the ambient temperature.
Each time the board temperature goes out of range or back to normal, PLSx3 instantly displays
an alert (if enabled).
URCs indicating the level "1" or "-1" allow the user to take appropriate precautions, such as
protecting the module from exposure to extreme conditions. The presentation of the URCs
depends on the settings selected with the AT^SCTM write command (for details see [1]):
AT^SCTM=1: Presentation of URCs is always enabled.
AT^SCTM=0 (default): Presentation of URCs is enabled during the 2 minute guard period
after start-up of PLSx3. After expiry of the 2 minute guard period, the presentation of URCs
will be disabled, i.e. no URCs with alert levels "1" or ''-1" will be generated.
URCs indicating the level "2" or "-2" are instantly followed by an orderly shutdown after 5
seconds unless the temperature returns to a valid operating level ("1", "0", "-1") or the shut-
down ability was disabled with AT^SCFG, "MEopMode/ShutdownOnCritTemp",<sdoct>.
The presentation of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the