
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios
t PLSx3_HID_v01.003 2021-03-12
Public / Released
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3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios
In general, be sure not to turn on PLSx3 while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage and tem-
perature stated in Section PLSx3 immediately switches off after having started and de-
tected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause permanent damage to
the module.
3.2.1 Turn on PLSx3
After the operating voltage BATT+ is applied, PLSx3 can be switched on by means of the IGT
The IGT signal turns on the module if the module is in power down mode. The IGT signal is
low level triggered. The module starts in the operating mode with a continuous low level signal.
It is recommended to pull the IGT sinal to GND directly when powering on. The low pulse width
must be longer than 300ms as shown in Figure 23.
When a automatic power-on is needed, IGT can always be connected to GND.
Figure 23: IGT timing
3.2.2 Restart PLSx3
To switch the module off the following procedures may be used:
Software controlled restart procedure: Software controlled by sending an AT command
over the serial application interface. See Section
Hardware controlled restart procedure: Hardware controlled by using the EMERG_RST
line (see Section Restart PLSx3 Using Restart Command
After startup PLSx3 can be re-started using the AT+CFUN command. For details see [1]
>300 ms