
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios
t PLSx3_HID_v01.003 2021-03-12
Public / Released
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factory setting AT^SCTM=0 was never changed.
The maximum temperature ratings are stated in Section 3.6. Refer to Table 16 for the associ-
ated URCs.
Table 16: Temperature associated URCs
Sending temperature alert (2min after PLSx3 start-up, otherwise only if URC presentation enabled)
^SCTM_B: 1 Board close to overtemperature limit.
^SCTM_B: -1 Board close to undertemperature limit.
^SCTM_B: 0 Board back to non-critical temperature range.
Automatic shutdown (URC appears no matter whether or not presentation was enabled)
^SCTM_B: 2 Alert: Board equal or beyond overtemperature limit. PLSx3 switches off.
^SCTM_B: -2 Alert: Board equal or below undertemperature limit. PLSx3 switches off.