
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
5.4 Compliance with FCC and ISED Rules and Regulations
PLSx3_HID_v01.003 2021-03-12
Public / Released
Page 107 of 121
5.4 Compliance with FCC and ISED Rules and Regulations
The Equipment Authorization Certification for the Thales reference application described in
Section 5.3 will be registered under the following identifiers:
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS63-W
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS63W
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS83-W
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS83W
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS63-X
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS63X
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS83-X
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS83X
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS63-X2
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS63X2
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS83-X2
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS83X2
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS63-X3
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS63X3
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS83-X3
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS83X3
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS63-X4
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS63X4
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
FCC Identifier: QIPPLS83-X4
Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PLS83X4
Granted to THALES DIS AIS Deutschland GmbH
Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating PLSx3 modules are authorized to use
the FCC Grants and ISED Certificates of the PLSx3 modules for their own final products ac-
cording to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, an FCC/IC label of the
module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating
"Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS63-W”, "Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS83-W”, "Contains FCC ID: QIP-
PLS63-X”, "Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS83-X”, "Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS63-X2”, "Contains FCC
ID: QIPPLS83-X2”, "Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS63-X3”, "Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS83-X3”, "Con-