
Table Of Contents
PLSx3 Hardware Interface Description
2.2 RF Antenna Interface
t PLSx3_HID_v01.003 2021-03-12
Public / Released
Page 41 of 121
2.2 RF Antenna Interface
The PLSx3 GSM/UMTS/LTE antenna interface comprises a GSM/UMTS/LTE main antenna as
well as a UMTS/LTE Rx diversity antenna to improve signal reliability and quality
. The RF in-
terface has an impedance of 50
. PLSx3 is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at the an-
tenna line without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power.
The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radi-
ated power, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Antenna matching networks are
not included on the PLSx3 module and should be placed in the host application if the antenna
does not have an impedance of 50
Regarding the return loss PLSx3 provides the following values in the active band:
1. By delivery default the UMTS/LTE Rx diversity antenna is configured as available for the module since
its usage is mandatory for LTE. Please refer to [1] for details on how to configure antenna settings.
Table 10: Return loss in the active band
State of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of application
Receive >
8dB > 12dB
Transmit not applicable >